Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Otsego Pride Alliance!
We are currently in need of many volunteers for Pridefest 2024 including the following roles:
Pridefest Clean up/Set Up
Children's Activities Tent
Stage Runners
Hanging flyers
Vendor Relief
Merch Table
Political Action Table
Water Station
Bathroom Attendants
Information/Raffle Tables
We need ongoing volunteers to help with:
Cutting and stapling informative pamphlets and zines*
Planning upcoming events (Family Dance, Pridefest, Pride Prom, Holiday Bazaar, etc)
Decorating for upcoming events
Tabling at events (representing OPA, providing information, selling merch, etc)
Hanging flyers
Website Updates*
Graphic Design (event flyers, social media posts, infographics, etc)*
Teen Night chaperones
Book exchanging donations
Grant writing*
*Many volunteer activities can be done at home!